Robin Fiedler
I came to Ken as a voice student a couple of years ago after having issues with my training and it took him literally one single lesson to completely free my voice and bring it back to its original range before my vocal problems started and make it feel good.
He understood my voice immediately and gave me exactly the exercises that would fix my issues and made me reach notes I never thought I could sing without any strain. I 100% recommend him as a vocal teacher. The studio also has a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and Ken is open to suggestions and repertoire ideas.
I’ve seen him teach many students at the bel canto festival and he’s extremely knowledgeable not just in this particular musical tradition but also in how the voice works and what teaching methods will work for any particular voice. He’ll be specific in the lessons and make sure you exactly understand what you have to do so that you can repeat it correctly in practice which is an important part of taking care of one’s voice, and it also teaches you to help yourself. I’ve had a good few singing teachers but none as competent and invested in my progress as Ken. If you’re on the fence, go for it, you won’t regret it !!